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BLUElab members at an outreach event


We have acknowledged that there are more ways to give back to our community than what we are currently partaking in. As a change in the coming years, the Council has decided to allocated a portion of BLUElab's funds to support a cause that our members find important. Each year the organization will hold fundraising events to raise money for these causes and to ultimately give back, whether that be within the university, a local community, or internationally. We will be actively listening to the voices of our members to receive feedback on causes that align with our values that they find vital to support.

Additionally, over the past few years there has been a lot of interest expressed in outreach days where BLUElab can unite its general members to volunteer and help support a cause. Having multiple volunteer days can help to express the dedication that we hope to reflect towards our community. As of right now, the Council is working towards finding causes we can help as a student body, so stay tuned - more information to come!

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